What Apps Can We Use To Make Our Writing Process Easier?

What Apps Can We Use To Make Our Writing Process Easier?

If you are wondering and confused about which apps or websites you can use to improve your writing and also get help with your writing, this article is just for you. We all know that you might face one or the other issue while you are writing your content. You don’t necessarily have to be a student or a researcher to face writing issues. You can even be a content writer just like myself. I have faced a lot of issues while writing contents as well.

What Apps Can We Use To Make Our Writing Process Easier?

So I have come up with some apps and websites which can help you improve your writing. Everyone nowadays has a misconception that if you use any AI tool then your content is going to be put into the category of Plagiarism. This is one of the myths that i want to break today. There are different categories of plagiarism and it is not necessary that your content will be plagiarized if you just merely use a AI tool. It is always necessary to know which tool is going to make your content plagiarized and which tool is going to improve your content.

Let me first tell you how your content might turn into a plagiarized work. Firstly, if you copy and pasting something which can be from any source and use it in your work without proper mention or giving proper reference, then it becomes plagiarism. You must not copy paste something which could also be a proper idea. You can also find ideas through this tool, but by the end, you should be developing those ideas in your own words without any cheating.

It becomes quite tempting to use these AI tools to just make your content faster, but this is where plagiarism starts. Your thought exploiting the tools would lead to one way or other to plagiarism. So the first thing you should do is to avoid exploiting the tools and use them wisely.


So the first app that you can use to improve the quality of your content is Grammarly, which helps you in many ways, also in ways which you require it to help you. The first and foremost thing it can do is to check if your content is plagiarized or not. Secondly, check your grammar and suggest the changes which are required. It also has an option to customize the way you need your content to be checked. It helps you with every small grammatical mistake and also suggests you with the content as well.


If you are more focused on long writing and want something which will help you with a long writing thing, for example, a book, maybe then this next app could help you. Scrivener is an app which helps you in a few ways which are important for writers who are writing long content which can also be your thesis. So this app helps you with organizing your content and the resources which you use as primary or secondary sources. They keep track of the complex writings specifically, which further helps you keep track of what exactly you are writing. This app also helps in keeping a note of the outline of the write ups as it is quite long and we often tend to get lost in long write ups.


Moving on to the next is our own beloved, well Microsoft is there, but this time it is WPS. We all know about WPS, but recently we have some additional AI helping tools as well which can help you with your writing as well. WPS is known for its user friendly and easy handling power as well. And in addition, you have the AI tools as well. In the paid version of the App, you can just manage everything with a single app. This app can help you with anything and everything . In the unpaid version as well, you can get quite a lot of features. Some of the features are, firstly the grammatical corrections, vocabulary suggestions and it also has an AI tool to help you write.


If you are not just a content writing but an all rounder kind of thing and are looking for an app which will help you with everything from management to helping you in writing, then we also have an app. Notion is an all rounder app which can help you with writing your content as well as help you manage your stuff together. It helps you with different types of features like note taking, management of the contents and many more. These app also as customizable options which can help you make it into something which you need. It helps you with your work and also manages it in a very flexible way.


The next option we have a QuillBot, which personally helped me a lot in improving my writing skills. QuillBot, which I basically use in my browser by just logging in without even getting an app. It  has a huge number of options which can help you with your writing. Some of the options are, firstly, you can paraphrase something and use it top either understand or you can even paraphrase your own writing to make it much more understandable for yourself. It also has a feature of checking for grammatical errors and even a plagiarism checker. There are many more options like summarizer, translator, citation generators and co-writer. One more information about citation generator, you can create citation of any resource if you are confused about how to follow the rules and write your reference. It can be a huge help for the students or researchers who are writing papers or theses or any other research papers.


These are the apps or websites which you can use as a helping hand in your writing. It is not mandatory to use some app or something. However, in this AI world, it often gets very difficult to keep up with the world . This leads to discouragement in your writing. One big point is that if these tools can help you in making your writing process easier, why not let them do their job and you can focus on making your write ups much more creative and interesting instead.

As content writers, we are often asked whether our content is original or fake. We are questioned whether we use AI tools or not. We should start telling them that AI tools are not taboos but rather can be a huge help to the content writers. Computers and these tools are made to make human life easier and in no way can replace a human writer.

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