How Can Ai Tools Help You To Improve Your Writing?

How Can AI Tools Help You To Improve Your Writing?

So if you are involved in anyhow to writing something then this article will be one of the best which can guide you to a better writer. Not everyone who writes comes from a literature background. I am not limiting this to just English language. Nowadays, writers from different languages face different types of difficulties. When we look for difficulties, one of the most difficult things is to cope with the AI world. If you are a writer, doesn’t matter from which background, you must have felt this at some point in your writing career.

How Can Ai Tools Help You To Improve Your Writing?

The jobs are getting fewer and people’s trust is getting weaker as they are getting more options to choose from in this world. The current position of writers is decreasing and, as a content writer myself, I can feel it too. However, now is our time to turn around and point our fingers towards these people and tell them that, we are not dumb!

Now  is the time to use the AI to beat the AI. The one thing which lacks in AI is the use of words in such a manner that only humans can do it. And no company can flourish on only AI created content. This is also for those who are not from any language background but are still aiming to be a writer or is a writer. If you are facing problems with the content, then AI tools can help you a lot in many ways and this article will discuss those ways.


So let us start with an obvious one and for those who still don’t know AI tools has a tool which detects AI writing. So we have Plagiarism detection. This is an AI tool which can scan your document and detect whether you have used any copy paste material from any other sources. This doesn’t check whether the content is written by AI but, rather checks whether it is a copy past material from some other source. This helps us a lot in academics, which ensures originality. Not just in academics, but rather in all fields of writing. This ensures the originality of the content when required.

Grammar Checker-

The second tool is that of grammar checking, which at this point has become one of the most important tools. So there is an app known as ‘Grammarly’ which is also available as an extension in your browsers. If you are someone who writes a lot and is worried about your grammar, then this is the best tool. It also provides a paid version of the tool which you can use if you are a professional writer. However, being a content writer myself, you are not really required to pay as the work done by the unpaid version of Grammarly is quite good. You just have to log in and put your content and there is no word limit, which is also quite efficient.

Get Feedback-

Next, if you are quite stuck in your writing and are wondering what more AI can help, then this is just the start of the list. You can get help from AI in many more areas. It can help you with feedback, along with proper insights into whatever content you provide. This is not just some basic grammatical mistakes, but rather deep analysis of your writing which helps you to improve your writing. There is also an AI tool which will help you with creativity as well. The AI can provide  you with ideas and even word suggestions, which will further increase your creativity.

Better understanding-

So it is not just with the improvement of the writing that AI helps at this point. However, they can also help you with your language as well. As I pointed out, those who are not from a language background can also improve their knowledge of the language with the help of these tools. Even language students can get help from these tools to increase their grip on the language. There are instances when you are not able to understand the contextual usage and you can us AI tool to understand it.

Research Results-

So, for those who are researchers, content writers and those who need research to write, this point is so important. If you are facing problems with doing research, then AI can make your life very easy. They help you get your hands on those materials and sources which are relevant to your research and is good. They filter out the unimportant materials. If you search on Google, you are led to an ocean of materials which you need to look at and filter out by yourself. Now, AI tools can help you with the filtering part within a few seconds. You can get your relevant sources by using these AI tools. You can also take the AI tool’s help with materials which are in different languages. It can help you with translation as well.

Improve Your Knowledge-

If you are still learning, which as a human being, we never stop, then these AI tools can also help you. They have this way of creating customized assistance for each individual based on the problems they are facing. For example you are a English literature student and you are specifically facing problems with the grammatical part of your writing. Then the AI tool can help you improve your grammatical understanding of the language with proper assignments and guidance. We are all always in need of improvement and if not in grammar then in some other sections and this can help you.

Proofreading and Editing-

If you are a person who completes their writing after, feels like it is not in proper structure, needs to be edited or proofread, then here I am again saying that AI tools can help you with that as well. An AI tool can help you edit the content by highlighting the areas which requite a second look. They will also offer reconstruction of sentences which are very complex and are not understandable.


It might seem that I am writing an advertisement for AI tools. However, that is not the case. This article is here to inform you that not every AI tool is a treat and you can use it very wisely to make your writing better. There is always a change of exploiting the object, but it is mandatory that you understand that it can be used in a positive manner as well. One or two decades back, using technology was something which had a negative image on society and this has totally changed now. Since AI is already created and we cannot go back to the 2000s, so why not just accept it in a positive manner. We need to use AI tools to improve yourself and make life easier.

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