Paytm’s New Feature Of Card Soundbix Lets You Pay Through Cards

Paytm’s New Feature Of Card Soundbox Lets You Pay Through Cards?

Now One97 Communication, the company which owns Paytm , has launched something known as Card Soundbox which has some interesting features which this article is going to talk about. So, we all know what Paytm is right? It is an app through which, using UPI we can easily transfer money. It is one of the most convenient apps through which we can do a huge number of things. So we are all aware of the Paytm sandboxes which we often come across in the shops.

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What exactly is this Card Soundboxes?

The sandboxes  were until now used for speakers to highlight that the transactions are being done successfully. However, now Paytm has introduced a new Card Soundbox which will help us pay through our cards as well. UPI has recently become a huge success and is very popular for retail digital payments in the Indian markets. The adoption related UPI is as well increasing in a vast manner. The sandboxes were solving the problem of instant audio alerts of the payments.

However, now that Paytm has launched these Card Soundboxes, it will be solving two problems at the same time. The first problem which it will obviously solve is the instant transaction alert and secondly, it will also solve the problem of accepting cards. The new Card Soundbox will accept all kinds of payments across almost all the networks.

How does this work?

Card Soundbox will accept all Visa, RuPay, American Express, and Mastercards networks. This is based on a tap and pay card-based payment system, which will help a lot of merchants to scale up their business. We often find some small-scale businesses don’t have any option of accepting cards due to the absence of this card machine. However, this problem will soon be solved as Paytm has launched this new way of accepting payments.

Paytm was the first company to give us these Soundboxes in the year 2019. and now again they have launched this new feature which really helps a lot of small-scale merchants to build up their business. These Card Soundboxes are made with a combination of NFC or Contactless debit and credit card payment along with the old facility of instant transaction alert.

What will be the new features?

This new Soundbox will also provide both audio and visual payment confirmation through an LCD display to the customer and the merchant. All this information is informed by Paytm. They further said that this tap and pay function is a built-in device which will help the merchant accept card payment upto 5,000 rupees in one transaction.

The Paytm Card Soundbox is designed by keeping in mind the diversity present in Indian languages. It is available in 11 languages and can be changed through the app ‘Paytm for Business’. it has a 4W speaker and a battery life of almost five days. Users with NFC-enabled smartphones can also pay through their phones through this feature of tap and pay.

The main aim for Paytm was to also make card payments available to the customers and the merchants, which is also as important as the use of online and QR Code scanning. The new Card Soundboxes will the merchants open to any types of payment option available to the users let it be card or QR code scanning.

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