device linking

Google like Device-Linking Feature for Android:Closer Look

Google is reportedly working on a feature that would allow Android users to seamlessly connect their devices together, similar to Apple’s Continuity feature. This feature is codenamed “Project Calico” and it is still in development.

Project Calico is rumored to have similar capabilities. For example, it could allow you to start a task on your phone and then seamlessly pick it up on your tablet or laptop. It could also allow you to use your phone as a second screen for your laptop.

How Project Calico Works

Project Calico is expected to work by using a combination of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC. When your devices are in close proximity, they will be able to communicate with each other and share information. This will allow you to start a task on one device and then seamlessly pick it up on another device.

For example, you could start writing a document on your phone and then seamlessly pick it up and continue writing on your laptop. You could also start a phone call on your phone and then seamlessly transfer it to your laptop.

Potential Benefits of Project Calico

Project Calico has the potential to make it much easier for Android users to use their devices together. It could also make it easier to share information between devices.

For example, if you are working on a project with someone else, you could use Project Calico to share documents and files between your devices. You could also use it to collaborate on a presentation.

Potential Drawbacks of Project Calico

One potential drawback of Project Calico is that it could be a security risk. If your devices are always connected to each other, it could make it easier for hackers to gain access to your data.

Another potential drawback is that Project Calico could be battery-intensive. If your devices are constantly communicating with each other, it could drain your battery faster.

When Will Project Calico Be Released?

It is not clear when Project Calico will be released. Google has not made any official announcements about the feature. However, it is rumored to be in development and it could be released in the near future.


Project Calico is a promising feature that has the potential to make it much easier for Android users to use their devices together. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider, such as security risks and battery drain. It will be interesting to see how Google addresses these concerns before releasing Project Calico to the public.


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