Mumbai Man Lost Rs 1.27 crore in a Cyber Crime; Read More

In the recent days with the increase in the use of internet and online payments, we have seen a hike in the cyber crimes as well. Every other day, we are seeing a lot of cases like online fraud, fake loan applications, online games fraud etc. Last week we saw a report where a school girl spent more than Rs.50 lakhs in an online game.

Everyone should be cautions while using any application or chatting with someone online, because we don’t know what is there on the other side. Every online user should “Wait” “Think” “Act” while taking any action online. While installing any application, it is also required to double verify whether it is authentic or not.

Here is a latest news from Mumbai where a 53 old man lost Rs.1.27 crores in an online scam which he got after selling this flat to invest in another property. He lost all this money in believing an online fraudster who promised him to get better returns.

It all began when this man received a telegram message from a women where she mentioned about an online part-time job, he had further discussion with the lady. She explained the job is as simple as just to rate movies, hotels online and share the screenshot with them. In the beginning, he received Rs.7000 as a payment for reviewing an hotel online. Multiple transactions happened between them after which the man started trusting that lady as he god multiple payments for the different reviews. Then the lady suggested him to invest the whole Rs.1.27 crore in their project for higher returns.

As the individual is convinced and wanted to invest, as a first step the lady requested the man to share bank account details and she shared a wallet login credentials to access his online wallet. At first, she asked him to deposit Rs.10,000 and followed her instructions, after the desired task was completed he received Rs 17,372 in his account.

In the next step, he deposited Rs 32,000 to his e-wallet in return he got Rs 55,000. He transferred Rs.50,000 to their bank account, she mentioned that the money is not received hence asked him to send the money again.

On May 17, he transferred the whooping Rs 48 lakhs to the bank account provided by the fraudsters, he completed all the steps suggested and saw a profit of Rs.60 lakh rupees in the e-wallet. In order to transfer this earned amount, lady asked to pay an additional Rs.30 lakhs. On May 18th, he did multiple transactions worth Rs 76 lakh to the accounts which are specified the fraudsters.

Now even after completing all the steps, he didn’t receive the promised returns. When he asked them same to the lady, she didn’t provide any satisfactory response instead she demanded for more money. He realised that he got cheated and filed an FIR with the police. After the investigation, police found that the funds are transferred to eight different bank accounts located in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Police have immediately frozen all those bank accounts.

So to all my readers, I request everyone to stay cautious while doing anything online.

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