India’s DPDP Bill Becomes Law, Aims to Protect Privacy

India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (DPDP Bill) has received President’s assent, making it into law. The bill was passed by Parliament in August 2023, and it is now the first comprehensive data protection law in India. The DPDP Bill aims to protect the privacy of Indian citizens by regulating the collection, processing, and use of personal data by businesses and government agencies.

What is the DPDP Bill?

The DPDP Bill defines personal data as any information that can be used to identify an individual, directly or indirectly. This includes information such as name, address, phone number, email address, bank account details, and social media profiles. The bill also defines sensitive personal data, which is personal data that is more sensitive, such as information about race, religion, health, or sexual orientation.

The DPDP Bill sets out a number of rules for the collection, processing, and use of personal data. Businesses and government agencies must obtain consent from individuals before collecting their personal data. They must also use personal data only for the purposes for which it was collected. Businesses and government agencies must also take steps to protect personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

What are the penalties for violating the DPDP Bill?

The DPDP Bill sets out a number of penalties for businesses and government agencies that violate the law. These penalties include fines of up to ₹250 crore (US$33 million) and imprisonment of up to three years. The bill also allows individuals to sue businesses and government agencies for damages if their personal data is misused.

How will the DPDP Bill impact businesses?

The DPDP Bill will have a significant impact on businesses in India. Businesses will need to review their data collection and processing practices to ensure that they are compliant with the law. They will also need to put in place measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

The DPDP Bill is likely to increase the cost of doing business for some businesses. Businesses will need to invest in new technologies and processes to comply with the law. However, the DPDP Bill will also create new opportunities for businesses. Businesses that can collect, process, and use personal data in a compliant and ethical way will be well-positioned to succeed in the digital economy.

How will the DPDP Bill impact individuals?

The DPDP Bill will give individuals more control over their personal data. Individuals will have the right to access their personal data, to correct it if it is inaccurate, and to have it deleted. Individuals will also have the right to opt out of the sale of their personal data.

The DPDP Bill is a significant step forward for the protection of personal data in India. The law will help to ensure that individuals’ privacy is respected in the digital age.

What are the next steps for the DPDP Bill?

The government is now in the process of setting up the Data Protection Authority (DPA), which will be responsible for enforcing the DPDP Bill. The DPA will have the power to investigate complaints of data breaches and to impose penalties on businesses and government agencies that violate the law.

The DPDP Bill is a complex piece of legislation, and it will take some time for the government to fully implement it. However, the law is a major step forward for the protection of personal data in India.


The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill is a landmark piece of legislation that will help to protect the privacy of Indian citizens in the digital age. The law sets out a comprehensive framework for the collection, processing, and use of personal data by businesses and government agencies. The DPDP Bill will give individuals more control over their personal data and will help to ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical way.


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